A cow born with a head resembling that of a dog can only happen in the land of Indonesia. Misnanto, an Indon farmer from Beraji in Madura, East Java, was startled when the calf with a peculiar shape of a dog was born two days ago on February 2, 2011. Who would't be?
The farmer said he feared the calf would not survive because the mother could not breastfeed it, so he attempted to breastfeed the calf himself, kidding, he bottle-feed the calf in an attempt to prolong its life.
I fear it is the end of the world. There is definitely something wrong. Last month, in Dharma village, Sampang, also in Madura, a calf was born with five legs.
In Indonesia, weird looking animals are deemed to have magical powers. There are people who are willing to pay large amounts of money for such animal.
Only in Indonesia.
Video of the animal is available here.